Today, Isaiah worked very hard photographing prophy to help me with this post. I am very pleased to invite you into our home, and share our prophy routines with you.
Isaiah Reeves, photographer |

After the cream is on, I let Eli choose what he wants to watch for prophy. When Silas develops an opinion on this, he will get to choose too. Today, he wanted to watch The Aristocats. Usually, it's a show, not a movie, but it was fine for today. Then, it's time to set up. I won't go into all the detail of each and every step that is involved with this, I'll just show you the finished product. Here's what the setup looks like for Eli's prophy (below). The only difference with Silas's setup is the heparin. Eli uses the yellow. Silas uses the blue.
We're all set up, the cream is set, and movie is on. Now, it's time to treat. Eli goes first. I take off his shirt, peel off the tagaderm, and wipe off the cream with a gauze pad. Then, I clean his port site with chloroprep. He knows to make sure no one touches or breathes on his port while I go wash my hands and put my sterile gloves on. If anything makes him concerned about his port's sterility, I clean it with another chloroprep. This has happened a couple times. When I come back gloved, his port is dry and ready to be accessed. As you can see in the picture below, he is completely numb and busy watching The Aristocats while I accessed him.
We call the pull back of blood the "little red snake". Sometimes, the kids (Eli included) call "Come out come out, little red snake!". Then, Eli tells him to "go back home!". You can see little red snake in the next pic:
When prophy is over, it's time to snuggle. Hemos need to hold pressure with gauze on the site a little longer than non-hemos.
After at least 5 minutes, we check to see if there is no more bleeding. Then, a little band aid over his port means Eli is all done! Well, after he helps clean up the prophy garbage. ;)
Eli is done. Now, it's time to set up for Silas. After each setup, I take the stickers off of the factor bottles and stick them on the calendar, and now include color coded initials. There's today's treatment (Well, yesterdays, now) on the 9th:
"OK, Silas. Your turn now, buddy!" I put him in his bouncy chair, and Ana gently holds his hands to keep him from touching or grabbing things he shouldn't. After his cream is wiped off, I wash my hands. I get my sterile gloves on, and then clean him with chloroprep. I can't trust it to stay sterile while I'm gone like with Eli. I give it a bit to dry, access his port with the huber needle, and administer his treatment. < Thank you, Lord, for that numbing cream! >
When he's all done and deaccessed, it's his snuggle time with Mommy! Ana did a great job! Silas's snuggle time is a little less relaxing than Eli's because he just wants to nurse. YOU try holding a baby while holding pressure on his port, and nursing at the same time! I've done it. It's not easy, but it can be done! However, I opted not to today. I really could use more than 2 arms!
(The towel on my head is to protect prophy from my hair. It works very well.) |
Now, our prophy day is complete!! Thanks for joining us today!